With the changing mask mandates, I’m sure there are many questions right now about how Charmed Wellness will respond.
To start, as a health care professional, I am required to maintain a mask mandate until April 27. After that time, I will continue to use a mask, both to protect myself and my clients, many of whom are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19. I invite all of you to continue using masks when receiving treatment after April 27.
As before, to ensure everyone’s safety, the following protocols will be in effect:
- Each patient will be pre-screened prior to booking an appointment and screened again when they arrive for their appointment.
- I will be wearing a mask and washing my hands before and after each appointment.
- Patients will be required to wear a mask when inside the clinic and during their appointments until and including April 27. After that, I encourage all patients to wear a mask.
- A hand sanitization and handwashing station will be set up and each patient will be required to sanitize or wash their hands before and after their appointment.
- All contact surfaces inside the treatment room and waiting area will be wiped down with disinfectant before every patient visit.
- Patients are also only allowed to bring essential items to their appointment.
It is important to self-monitor yourself for any symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. If you suspect any symptoms, you can take a self-assessment by visiting https://covid-19.ontario.ca/self-assessment/.
If you answer Yes to any of the questions on the self-assessment, please cancel your appointment and isolate yourself for 14 days.
Let’s work together to stop the spread.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.